Charlotte Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Tomi Obebe

Our Half Bathroom Transformation for Under $500

vanity upgrade in a budget half bathroom remodel for $500 |   GoodTomiCha Lifestyle Blogger transforms her half bathroom with a simple weekend remodel   charlotte influencer tomi obebe shares her half bathroom transformation for under $500


Our house just got a bit more color. I’m excited to finally reveal our half bathroom transformation! It’s one of the bigger  “cosmetic projects” we’ve done since moving in 18 months ago- and we love how it turned out! Home ownership is not for the weak. Just when you think you’re ready to start your Pinterest dreams, something else needs to be replaced. If slow and steady wins the race, then we’ve definitely won Olympic Gold. LOL. I’m happy we’re taking our time because it cuts down on my inevitable buyer’s remorse.

I think a half bathroom remodel is the best project to tackle for new home buyers. It’s a smaller space and it’s inconsequential if you happen to make a few mistakes along the way. I wish we had looked into updating the room when we first moved in. It would’ve inspired me to do a lot more around the house now that it’s  complete! All in all it took us 2 weekends (mostly because of other weekend plans and unforeseen circumstances) and about $500. So, let’s get into the how-to for this bathroom remodel!

What We Changed in our Half Bathroom

We were really focusing on making this a budget reno so we decided to keep our toilet (for now). Everything else in the bathroom was removed. I was very thankful we could remove the odd towel bar in such a tiny half bathroom!

How Much Did Our Half Bathroom Remodel Cost

Removable Wallpaper- $25/roll

Arguably the hardest part of the half bathroom remodel. After we struggled to do the corners, we even looked into getting it installed by a professional. However the professional then told us he refuses to work with removable wallpaper because it’s so difficult. Well, YUP! I’m still happy we decided to go with removable because it will be easy to change if we ever want to switch it up! I ordered 10 rolls in case we made a few mistakes (we did). In total, I believe we used 7. I was shocked we used so many for such a small space but I’m glad we bought extra!

Vanity- $230

We didn’t have a lot of requirements when it came to choosing our vanity! Besides making sure what would be compatible with the dimensions, our main focus was extra storage. I loved this option for it’s affordability AND look. It’s exactly what we wanted for our half bath. It also comes in black!

Sink Faucet- $60

Sink fixtures on half bathroom remodel under $500 |

Once we chose the vanity, we knew we needed to buy the faucet separately. We settled on this set and I love how high end the finishes look!

Mirror- $40

taking a half bathroom from drab to fab in this $500 transformation

Can you believe this mirror was only $40?! Talk about a steal! I’ll probably use this for our guest bathroom upstairs in the future or at least something similar.

Lights- $40

Hardwiring the lights for the half bath were a bit difficult. I think that was more because of our bathroom wall than the product. I’d still recommend the choice we went with!

Finishes- $20

charlotte influencer goodtomicha remodels her half bathroom on the blog

I was so concerned that the finishes I’d choose wouldn’t match! But then I realized, one it won’t be the end of the world. And two, it’s a half bathroom. Who even cares? This entire experience helped me to remember to not sweat the small stuff. Thankfully, everything ended up matching perfectly!


If you’re looking for a few extra items to add to your half bath, I’ve got you! I’m thinking of adding an art print above the toilet and possibly some floating shelves? But for now, I’m happy with our finished project.

Total: ~$530

What We Learned from Our Half Bathroom Remodel

How to DIY half bath remodel for $500 | Tomi Obebe from shows you how

Realistically, everything will always take you longer than you thought. This technically could’ve been done in one weekend. However due to unforeseen plumbing issues and buying some of the wrong parts, it was closer to 2.5 weekends. So keep that in mind before you decide to take on a home reno project of your own! And just because you can DIY a remodel doesn’t mean you should. The amount of frustrated tears I have from trying to line up the patterns on that wallpaper… Paying a professional wallpaper installer or finding someone on task rabbit would’ve been worth the investment.

What’s Next For Home Reno Projects?

I’m really hoping to tackle some built in bookshelves in our living room soon! Unsurprisingly, I’m running out of space to store my collection. Plus, it will give us some extra storage for blankets, board games, etc. I’ll make sure to keep you all updated!


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