Charlotte Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Tomi Obebe

How to Organize Your Makeup and Beauty Products

bathroom organizational finds from Amazon


Do I Really Need to Organize My Beauty Drawer?

Yes! This would be a pretty short blog post if the answer was no, wouldn’t it?  Jokes aside, it’s time to say goodbye to those products that you swear you’re going to use. That random assortment of beauty basket items you got for Christmas from grandma 3 years ago? Donate it. The eyeshadow palette you’ve had since One Direction was still touring? Toss. And don’t get me started on the hair tools you haven’t used since college but take up 40% of your cabinet space. Don’t worry, it’s not just you. I’m guilty of this too! But I found a few tips to help me stay organized.

With clothes, I’ll remember during seasons to donate or toss items. Especially when that zipper just refuses to budge, amirite?  But makeup has a way of just chilling in my drawer *way* passed its prime. We’re all familiar with the concept of “spring cleaning”. But what if we applied that approach to our beauty and makeup drawers? It’s hard to remember the shelf-life, inventory, and all those items stuffed away. There’s nothing like a clean, organized space to make you feel on top of your game and stress-free! Next time you get a burst of energy, try to set aside some time for your bathroom vanity. I promise you’ll feel like a brand new person and your skin will thank you!

makeup organization tips from top US influencer, GoodTomiCha

How Beauty and Makeup Organization Helped My Mental Health

In addition to the small high I receive from my newly, decluttered space, makeup organization reminds me not to overconsume. I can’t buy more products if I don’t have the space for them! And it’s harder to misplace your favorite during the week. Imagine having a section in your beauty vanity just for the “Late Mondays” look. Instead of scrambling on the morning of your “crap, I forgot I had that thing,” your products are ready to go! It instantly becomes a stress-free experience. And it has made my life (especially with ADHD) so much easier.

The Best Pre-Organization Step: Check Makeup Expiration Dates

how often you should be replacing your toiletries infographic

[images courtesy of Real Simple]

Raise your hand if you didn’t know makeup expired! I was equally shocked when I started diving into the most efficient decluttering tactics. Of course, I knew the popular products (i.e. eye makeup, loofahs, etc.). However, a few of these items were eye-opening! We ensure that the food going inside of our body is fresh and effective, but what about the products going on our skin? Makeup, skin, and other beauty product expiration dates are just as important for our health! Think about it. These items are applied directly to our skin, so it’s important to make sure they’re clean and bacteria-free. Outdated makeup not only loses its effectiveness but can also cause skin irritation, breakouts, and infections. Yuck!

So one of the biggest tips I have for decluttering your bathroom is checking the shelf life on the back of the product packaging. Typically, you’ll find a number next to an “M”. For example, 3M means 3 months of shelf life or 18M equals 18 months, etc. Don’t worry. This only applies to the product once it’s opened, not when you purchased it! While it’s fun to hoard and rotate through a few favorites, make sure to keep the shelf life of your products in mind! This will definitely help cut down the clutter on your skincare shelves. Now, it’s time to grab a trash bag and start purging.

makeup organization tips from top US influencer, GoodTomiCha

Grab my FREE checklists for decluttering your home straight to your inbox!

Where To Start Decluttering Your Beauty Drawer

Take everything out of your beauty drawer and give it a good once over. Without the outdated items, give the rest a good cleaning. A quick wipe-down with a disinfectant will do the trick. And don’t forget about your makeup brushes and sponges! They need a little love too. Give them a deep clean (you can use my go-to cleaning technique) or consider investing in some new ones. Now that you’ve removed old items and your products are refreshed, you’re halfway there!

Step-By-Step Guide to Makeup Organization

  1. Take inventory as you clean out! What do you need more of, what do you need less of, and how many products are unopened?

  2. Create a travel bag for your routine for easy to grab on the go!

  3. Store similar items in trays together (ex: eye makeup in one area and face products in another)

  4. Create a space that flows like your makeup routine (I.e. primers and setting sprays together, then your face products, then eyes, lips, etc.)

  5. Place all duplicate items in a separate dedicated space!

makeup organization tips from top US influencer, GoodTomiCha makeup organization tips from top US influencer, GoodTomiCha

Let’s take a look at my before and afters for the makeup organization above. On the left, we have lip products, blush, eyeshadow palettes, and mascara all thrown into one drawer. Basically, it’s a mess!  I updated it to the right to make more sense. My “final step” items are lip liners, lipstick, and gloss. And if I’m feeling in the mood, I’ll add on lashes and press-on nails! So despite it not looking picture-perfect for social media, it works for ME. And that’s what matters!

GoodTomiCha's current make-up routine

Functionality vs. Instagram Aesthetics

It’s important to remember that just because it looks pretty, doesn’t mean it’s functional. While I’d love for the drawer on the right to look, neater it’s not practical. I don’t have 20 additional lipsticks to fill the empty spaces. And rather than fuss over containers that can fit the various sizes of lashes and nails, I simply said screw it. They’re in the designated space and that’s what’s important!

A little effort goes a long way in keeping our skin healthy and our vanity organized. So, let’s tackle that beauty drawer and give it the love and attention it deserves. Let me know if you have any good tips on how to keep up with expired beauty products below!

How to Keep Your Home Clutter-Free This Year

P.S. If you need some help staying organized, you can download my FREE decluttering checklists here! I’ve shared organizational tips for your car, kitchen, pantry, and digital life, too.


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