Charlotte Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Tomi Obebe

Why We Decided to Move During Covid + Tips For Staying Safe

Moving during covid: tips to be safe + is it really worth it? | goodtomicha blogger

Moving During COVID-19

WE’VE MOVED! Ok, I’ll admit it’s not that exciting of a change since we’ll still be in Charlotte. I’m sad to leave the south end neighborhood with easy walkability and proximity to my beloved Publix. However, we’re so excited to be upgrading from our 1 bedroom apartment to a townhome! We never lived together before getting married so these last 14 months have been extra special for us. When we eventually invest in property of our own, I wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up in one again. I love low maintenance living and the amenities townhome communities can provide. With the coronavirus continuing to change our way of life here in the States (man what I wouldn’t give to be in New Zealand right now) we had to seriously discuss our next steps. Here are a few tips to consider if you’re thinking about moving during COVID-19:

Is moving worth it right now?

Now that we know we’re going to be at the house a lot more, it just made sense for us to leave our apartment for something with a bit more outdoor space. Our previous apartment offered a pool (closed), a gym (closed), an office center (now filled with people working from home), and proximity to new bars and restaurants (I think you get the picture).  And we’re definitely not alone. Have you noticed how many Americans are leaving metropolitan areas in search of something else? According to this study, 20% of adults in America are having to make the move. Whether it’s because of financial reasons, the need to be closer to family, or the search for bigger space, it’s not wrong to weigh out your options right now.

tips for moving during the coronavirus pandemic in the US | charlotte blogger goodtomicha

Should I use professional movers or friends/family?

In the age of COVID, we have to decide if the potential exposure would be worth it, right? If you’re in the financial position to use professional movers, I highly recommend it. Most of the family members who would’ve been able to help are either high-risk from age or simply not as fast as a moving team so it was a no-brainer for us. The physical strain that comes along with moving isn’t worth it to me when you’ll have to spend the next 2-4 weeks unboxing, too. It’s exhausting! Professional moving companies also provide ways to help keep your big-ticket items like TVs and furniture safe in transit. As a high-risk individual, I didn’t take any chances when it came to vetting our team.

Tips for Staying Safe with Movers

Call around and ask different moving companies what they’re doing to keep homeowners and their employees safe.

You can pretty much gauge from their willingness to answer the question if they’re taking it seriously or not. Once they get to your property, you don’t want to have unexpected delays because they “forgot their masks” or promise they’re not sick. A few extra minutes of due diligence will be worth it.

Try and book for the first appointment of the day and on a less busy day (ie not Friday-Monday)

Interacting with fewer clients in one day is another way to lessen the likelihood of transmission.

Practice common CDC guidelines in your home

Take temperatures before starting, have extra masks available, and offer hand sanitizer constantly. Why hand sanitizer instead of gloves? If not changed or used properly, gloves can actually do more harm than good! Offering hand sanitizer to the team periodically can lessen the possibility of transmission.

It’s hard to tell the people carrying your extremely heavy items that they need to restrict their breathing while doing so. I found taking the time to clearly outline your expectations helps keep both of you safe and allows them to still do their job without extra strain.


moving tips for 2020

How to Pack During COVID:

It’s best to just pack everything yourself instead of adding friends/family to the mix. It might take longer but the sanitation process at the end will be a lot quicker. If your friends are helping you move, make sure you’re completely done by the time they get there! Clearly label the box with your cleaning supplies and pack it in your car instead of a moving van. This way you can access anything you need quickly throughout the day and immediately when you reach your new home.

What are other things I can do to keep safe?

If you’re moving with professionals or just a group of friends, opening the windows can help circulate free-flowing air. Spray down high traffic areas like doorknobs, light switches, and stairwells with Lysol. You can also wipe down the top of your boxes before opening them to unpack.

old apartment views, south end charlotte, goodtomicha, moving tips,

Final Thoughts on Our Experience

This might seem entirely too much for the average person, but again, I couldn’t take any chances! It’s now been ~14 days since our initial move and thankfully we’ve both been symptom-free. Moving during COVID shouldn’t be taken lightly. It was a lot of extra work, but we both believe it was 100% worth it. We couldn’t be happier with our new place! Are you looking into moving soon? I’d love to hear if any of these tips helped you below!


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3 comments so far.

3 responses to “Why We Decided to Move During Covid + Tips For Staying Safe”

  1. Ama says:

    Wishing you best of luck on your move! It’s definitely a very hectic time but sending you good vibes on your next journey <3 Stay safe!

  2. Sami says:

    My boyfriend and I luckily moved last year from a 1-bed to a 2-bedroom apartment. I’m working partially from home and I’m so glad we have the space to separate life from my work. In our old place it would have been a nightmare. It sounds like you two did a great job with everything! Can’t wait to watch the tour vid!

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