Charlotte Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Tomi Obebe

5 Lessons I Learned from My Big Sister- Even When I Didn’t Want To

5 Lessons My Big Sister Taught Me- Leadership, Compassion, and so much more on the blog! Sister photoshoots. Get into them. Sharing 5 lessons from my big sister on the blog! Lisi Lerch statement earrings | 5 Lessons from my Big Sister on the blog! Big sisters are best friends since birth, they always keep you laughing! I'm sharing 5 lessons my sister has taught me on the blog. Southern fashion and lifestyle blogger, GoodTomiCha | Lessons from my older sister |

photography: Tribbleshoot Photography 

Outfit Details:

TomiJumpsuit: c/o RDB (Size SM) | Heels: Target (under $30 and I have them in 3 colors!) | Earrings: c/o Lisi Lerch 

LolaTop: Ann Taylor | Pants: Old Navy | Wedges: old, similar here | Earrings: c/o Lisi Lerch

Hey friends! I’m soooo excited to introduce you to my big sister, Lola! I remember there were moments when I genuinely hated Lola as a kid. We’re 5 years and 5 months apart, so we weren’t always on the same page. However, as the years went by I was thankful for that age gap. It’s nice to have someone give you advice when they’ve just gone through the exact same situations!

She helped me know all of the coolest trends before my friends, prepare me for my first day of high school, and most importantly demonstrated what not to do when it came to our parents. Guess who was the golden child because of it? (HA, jk jk.) My mom did a great job reminding us that when all else fails, my big sister and I will always have each other! “Who’s your best friend?” she’d ask us before making sure we pointed to each other. We shared a room for 12 years even though we were blessed with the ability for both of us to have our own. But I wouldn’t change a thing.

Life lessons from Lola should seriously be a book. She’s always been the wise one out of the two of us! I brag on her all the time because of how much she inspires me. She’s married and currently finishing med school in Chicago, got her Master’s in Public Health and did I mention she’s under 30? #Goals While not everyone is given the gift of a built-in best friend like an older sister, I suggest finding a female mentor! It’s like therapy, but most likely includes a nice glass of wine. Here are just a few lessons I’ve learned from my big sister over the years.

Lesson #1: Compassion is a Strength, Not a Weakness

As women, we’re constantly told that we should look or act a certain way or we’ll be considered weak. Over the years, I feel like I’ve dulled my senses to make sure I wasn’t perceived as “emotional” by my male counterparts.  It’s Lola who constantly reminds me of the power behind compassion. It demands energy and strength in the toughest times. When I come to her to vent about life, she empathetically reminds me of the feelings of others involved.

Lesson #2: It’s Ok to Say No

For those of you who study Myers-Briggs, I’m a true ENTJ. I’m a go-getter and I love to stay busy. In Nigerian culture, it’s very much expected of you to be the best… at everything you do. While at Auburn, I often found myself burned out or filled with anxiety because I couldn’t get everything done. Thankfully, Lola understood since she was involved at Auburn and encouraged me to say no. Say no to joining one more student organization or to head to the bars downtown when you’re emotionally spent. In the end, they’ll still be there in the future but self-care is always something she does so well.

Lesson #3: Know Your Worth (then add tax) When it comes to about men

My dating history wasn’t extensive before I was with Will, but it was enough to leave some emotional scars. I settled for a guy who didn’t respect me. Older sisters and your best friends will always be in your corner! She taught me to not put up with the bare minimum from boys after my first breakup. Less than a year later, I met Will. And we all know how that turned out!  

Lesson #4: Perseverance

Remember how stressful it was applying to colleges? Now, multiply that times 10 and that’s what medical students have to go through! She thought of multiple career paths between physical therapy and dentistry before finally settling on medicine. It’s refreshing to see other people are just as confused about life as you are sometimes! Watching her push through the uncertainties and career changes encouraged me to always persevere.

Lesson #5: Stay True to Yourself

Lola is always unapologetically herself. Sweet, sometimes nerdy, and oddly southern for a woman who has two Nigerian parents. It takes confidence to be the fierce 5’2 woman that she is! After sharing my life with you guys for 3 years, I feel like we’re all sisters! She inspires me to be as authentic as possible when I blog.

Sisters are pretty awesome, aren’t they? If I could link her up on LiketoKnow.It so you all could have one too, I would. Don’t you think she should start her own blog with all that wisdom?! Let me know your favorite sister memories below!

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